Featured Properties

Sumi SanctuaryWhistlerSize: 1 Bedroom (775 Sqft)Cost to Furnish: $14,000.00Time to Furnish: 2 weeksScope: Minor Reno/Partial Furnish/Stage/SetupEstimated Monthly Rental Income: $5,200

Sumi SanctuaryWhistler

Size: 1 Bedroom (775 Sqft)

Cost to Furnish: $14,000.00

Time to Furnish: 2 weeks

Scope: Minor Reno/Partial Furnish/Stage/Setup

Estimated Monthly Rental Income: $5,200


Sumi Sanctuary


Size: 1 Bedroom (775 Sqft)

Cost to Furnish: $14,000.00

Time to Furnish: 2 weeks

Scope: Minor Reno/Partial Furnish/Stage/Setup

Estimated Monthly Rental Income: $5,200


Quatchi House


Size: 1 Bedroom (775 Sqft)

Cost to Furnish: $14,000.00

Time to Furnish: 2 weeks

Scope: Minor Reno/Partial Furnish/Stage/Setup

Estimated Monthly Rental Income: $5,200


The Cityscape


Size: 1 Bedroom (580 Sqft)

Cost to Furnish: $3,500.00

Time to Furnish: 1 week

Scope: Partial Furnish/Stage/Setup

Estimated Monthly Rental Income: $2,800

Nook Way

Las Vegas

Size: 2 Bed (1700 sqft)

Cost to Furnish: $9,000.00

Time to Furnish: 3 weeks

Scope: Fully Furnish/Stage/Setup

Estimated Monthly Rental Income: $1,750